Archivio della Società romana di storia patria vol. 143.3 – Lombardi


Codice DOI 10.61019/ASRSP_143_3

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Le carceri romane nel Quattrocento: la Cancellaria Capitolii

Daniele Lombardi

The purpose of this short work is to focus attention on a subject that is still little investigated by historiography: Roman prisons in the fifteenth century. While we know very a great deal about how prisons functioned during the early modern age, we cannot say the same for the late Middle Ages. This article aims to fill this lacuna by examining the numerous and diverse documents preserved in Roman archives, and by comparing the case of Rome to that of other, recently investigated Italian cities, such as Milan, Venice, Florence and Bologna.

Archivio della Società romana di storia patria, 143

dicembre 2021, pp. 21

Codice: ISBN 9788897808756.3 Catalogo: