Archivio della Società romana di storia patria vol. 145.11 – Marco Ciocchetti


Codice DOI 10.61019/ASRSP_145_11

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A proposito di La papessa Giovanna. I testi della leggenda (1250-1500), di Agostino Paravicini Bagliani

Marco Ciocchetti

No legend linked to the papacy enjoys such an enduring fame as that of Pope Joan, probably due largely to its general lack of biographical or historical foundation. It is a veritable myth that has been consolidated over time and has gained more and more traction. Agostino Paravicini Bagliani’s latest effort offers an ambitious analysis of this myth through a meticulous critique of its literary tradition. After a careful reading, I have attempted to provide an extensive review, offering some reflections in the final section.


Archivio della Società romana di storia patria, 145

gennaio 2023, pp. 15

Codice: ISBN 9788897808954.11 Catalogo: