Archivio della Società romana di storia patria vol. 145.7 – Stefano Andretta


Codice DOI 10.61019/ASRSP_145_7

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Note a margine su storia, ambiente e tempi di epidemie

Stefano Andretta

The article is addressed at the early modern era, placing its natural environment and the development of historical studies in relation to the expansion of known geo-historical space, biological interaction, climate change and natural disasters, mentalities, and epidemics in order to arrive at a new definition of the term “environment”. This approach offers the basis for a rereading of the great plague epidemics, first distinguish- ing two environments: one urban and the other outside the cities. The Italian examples of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, especially the Roman Plague of 1656-1657, offer the possibility of a useful com- parison with the present and encourage an interdisciplinary historical method.


Archivio della Società romana di storia patria, 145

gennaio 2023, pp. 20

Codice: ISBN 9788897808954.7 Catalogo: