78.24 – Katharina Christa Schüppel


Sacred Materialities. The Apostle Thomas between Ortona and Rome

Katharina Christa Schüppel

The Via Tiburtina and its eastern extensions connect two places of fundamental significance for the medieval and post-medieval cult of the apostle Thomas in Europe: Ortona and Rome. The contribution focuses on how the emergence of both sites established a new material foundation for the cult of the Apostle Thomas in Europe, and on the objects, persons and practices related to this place-making process – like hiking on the newly designed Cammino di San Tommaso in the footsteps of St. Birgitta of Sweden.

La Via Tiburtina e i suoi prolungamenti orientali collegano due luoghi di fondamentale importanza per il culto medievale e post-medievale dell’apostolo Tommaso in Europa: Ortona e Roma. L’articolo analizza l’emergere dei due culti locali e le persone, gli oggetti e le pratiche in essi coinvolti.

Miscellanea della Società romana di storia patria, 78
luglio 2024, pp. 13

Codice: ISBN 9791281369085.25 Catalogo: